Friday, July 6, 2007

Values are fundamental beliefs that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions and they determine the way we behave. As individuals, we need to establish what our values are, what is important and what is desirable, what our desired end results are whenever we want to embark on any action, we have to establish standards and principles that are going to drive the way we act and do things.

Putting value first in all our life's endeavours would ensure that our motivation in life is not mainly economic but rather a mission to achieve results that will be sustainable for a lifetime.

Prof Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank (the Bank for the poor) and Benjamin Carson, M.D. are examples of such leaders. They have both made the world’s history books and even though their births were not announced, when they die, they will forever be tagged as leaders who made history. They are motivated by the number of lives they would change, they have found a reason to be alive.

They have discovered the value in their actions and they have defined the reason why. Hard-work and commitment come naturally to them and if we all emulate such characters, it will be easy for us to fulfill the four basic human needs - To Live, To Learn, To Love and To leave a Legacy – (Stephen Covey, 8th Habit). Fame, honour will naturally come to us as our name will be glued to the hearts of many people (young & old) and the history books for a lifetime.


"The thing that really motivates me right now, to be honest with you, is the opportunity to get other people to understand what's important in life.” Benjamin Carson, M.D.

“You have to make living a value driven life who you are and not what you do, it will empower you with the capacity to translate your vision into reality”STB

If you have been following Sachs and Easterly's debate on ending poverty in Africa, you may find Paul Collier's latest book on Africa reviewed by Niall Ferguson interesting.

Click here to read the book review

One-line summary: "If Sachs seems too saintly and Easterly too cynical, then Collier is the authentic old Africa hand."

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