Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Popularly known as 3BL, the Triple Bottom Line approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) simply states that an organization should not only be concerned about its financial gains but also about its environmental and social performances by engaging in sustainable environmental practices and by conducting business in a way that is beneficial to the community in which the business resides respectively. In other words, corporate responsibility should not be to only shareholders, but to stakeholders. Who are these stakeholders? Stakeholders refer to anyone who is affected by the performances of an organization.

Without mincing words, the only way to make the world a better place for those who are here right now and those who are yet to come is to begin to do today what we ought to do tomorrow. For the world to be in continuum, we need people to occupy it, we need to ensure that the planet is green, that fears of global warming are put at bay, that our society is crime-free, that beggars on the street have a home, that war as a resolve for conflict is jettisoned, andmany more. If this is the case, then we can’t afford not to care about the people who will inhabit the earth today and in the future, neither can we afford not to care about the planet. Hence, engaging in sustainable environmental practices is not a choice; it is a must-do.

Organizations are not abstract entities, they are made up of people. Even in the instance where an organization’s corporate objective is to use technology as a means of automating organizational processes, people are still needed to put those technological processes in place. Because people are at the very core of every organization, it is thus impossible to implement the 3BL approach without people.

For this very reason, I am taking the 3BL to the doorstep of everyone who is reading this piece right now. How much do we care about the planet? Do we have the right attitude towards the environment we live in?

In an increasingly globalized world, where a single decision made by the CEO of Microsoft corporation can change the way things are done and where a single action in the nooks of Beijing can have a push-pull effect in far-away Lima, it is imperative to engage in activities that is most beneficial to all or in Jeremy Bentham’s word “the greatest good for the greatest number”. Because we all as entities make up an entire organization, just as organizations are part of a society, then it is important that the change we want to see on earth begins with us. Therefore each one of us can begin to apply the 3BL approach to the way we see and do things. We can begin with simple steps that will cost us so little. I recently participated in a charity walk for the Society for the Blind’s White Cane’s Day, for me, it was a fulfilling experience. Is there a home for the destitute down the lane where you live?

I am privileged to work for an organization that is passionate about giving something back to the society, but what happens to me if I don’t have the right heart? Surely, I will move on to some other places at some point, or even be the CEO of my own organization, what then happens to ensuring that the world is a better place?

In my thinking, I realized that the truth about success is ensuring that others succeed. In the words of JRD Tata, “To be a leader, you have to lead human beings with affection.” When you see success from this perspective, you are bound to be a hero in your own little way.

Recap: In this edition of IN.FORM.ED, I examined very briefly the concept of 3BL, and attempted to distill how organizations cannot achieve this without the cooperation of individuals, finally I explained that personal commitment to 3BL is the way to go and we all can make a difference by seeing the world from this perspective.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The ideal Scenario is the 'We Don Win Scenario'. It presents the Nigeria of our Dreams where everyone can confidently and proudly say "I am a Nigerian."

There are many forecast and analysis (Goldman Sachs classification of Nigeria as one of the Next 11 emerging economies after the BRICs nations) on Nigeria's potential to be one of the top 20 economies by 2025. Indeed, it is a general consensus that Nigeria possesses the inherent pre-requisites to be become a global economic heavy weight in the future. The question is therefore asked, how do we embark on a massive move that will translate out potential into reality?

The "We Don Win Scenario" tells a story of how, with remarkable foresight and fortitude, Nigerians are able to raise the nation from its slumber to become Africa's largest economy and a leading member of the G20.

I am one of those who believes in the Nigerian dream, I encourage everyone to keep the dream alive by spreading the news.

The Nigeria 2025 Scenarios project that kicked off in November 2006 was launched today, 11th March 2008.
The Nigeria 2025 Scenarios is a story of 4 alternative futures for Nigeria and how Nigeria could evolve in the future, thereby painting images of plausible trajectories for the evolution of the country until the year 2025.

The scenario project was organized by the African Leadership Institute in collaboration with LEAP Africa.

35 individuals from different works of life through series of workshops and meetings, came together to analyse the factors that will influence the future development of the nation. The result of their brainstorming sessions are four logically consistent and thought provoking scenarios of the future of Nigeria, they include:
  1. Parambulator: A roundabout story of how to get from where you were to where you were in about 18 years.

  2. Shine Your Eye: A story of a people that seek salvation from a small clique of leaders who are able to deliver some economic gains at the high price of brutal repression of individual freedom and self actualization.

  3. Jaga Jaga Republic: A story of how self-seeking leadership, endemic corruption, a populace rendered supine by apathy and superstition, ethnic distrust, religious strife, and elitist power struggle all contribute to destroying the Nigerian nation.

  4. We don Win: A story of how, with remarkable foresight and fortitude, Nigerians are able to raise their nation from its slumber to become Africa’s largest economy and a leading member of the G20.

These scenarios present a vision of the future and propose a set of robust strategies that could be employed to jumpstart the nation's transformation and improve Nigeria's global competitiveness.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I always loved this quote "Going No where very fast, the more we change the world, the more we stay the same." I came across this quote in 2002 and it’s been in my heart ever since. Today, I am concentrating on the first part of the quote, "going no where very fast", the other part, we can leave for future discussions.

Going No where very fast? Where am I going with this quote?

Time and time again, we all think of quitting our job one day. Infact, I learnt from a recent research by a USA Software Firm (Intuit - that 67% of people think about quitting their jobs regularly or constantly. I did a simple quick survey, and the majority of the poeple I surveyed look forward to better opportunities, better working conditions, flexible work schedule and so on.

Be it as it may, it takes courage to quit the dreaming camp. And indeed, while many dream, only a very few actualize their dream of becoming a professional job quitter.

So where are we going very fast? Many of us are on the wrong path. Even when we are able to secure another job within a short space, we begin to think of quitting again. Why? Because we are simply on the wrong path and we do not find fulfillment in what we do. We are merely going nowhere very fast.

The very first step, therefore, to taking the leap and to have that exclusive first big crush is to have a look at the path you're on and ask yourself if it will take you where you want to go.

This is not going to be easy. Of course, it's tough to quit a job that sounds and appears glamorous, interesting and impressive to the people around you. It involves boldness, clarity and giving up the money, the security and many more that you have and a special combination of your strengths and weaknesses.

Do you have what it takes? Have you thought about a failure plan? What if things just don't go right? How much do you know yourself? If you are not ready to make the sacrifices, you can as well stop thinking of quitting and stay put.

If you take the leap, be rest assured that in the end, you will be happier, fulfilled and motivated because you know where you are going.

Where do you want to go today? "You have to give up to go up"

Monday, January 28, 2008

You have been clamoring for salary increment... you think that salary increment will boost your output and general performance. Indeed, your dream came through. Your boss announces that salaries will be raised by 50% - the best ever in the history of your organization. The thought that readily comes to my mind when we get a major increase is that of self questioning – let us therefore search ourselves, if we really truly deserve the increment. Do you come to work and spend your time moving about…busy doing nothing.. or as I heard from a colleague of mine, “are you constantly in motion without movement”.

Salary Increment to me is not a period to rejoice, it is a period where we should engage in sober reflection, to check our actions and see if we are truly working hard or just coasting along waiting for another year end to come to ask for another salary increment. Soberly reflecting will not make a difference too, if we do not consciously change for the better and let our every action count towards the betterment of the organization.

Paul in admonishing Timothy (2 Timothy 2:2) asked him to commit what he has heard to faithful men who shall be able to teach others. Are we faithful with the things that have been committed into our hands? Do we do our jobs diligently? The little that is committed into our hands, how do we handle them? When we are faithful with little things, more will be committed into our hands. On one hand, yes, we may argue, everything is getting costlier, competition is strife than it has been in the past, increasingly, salaries are on the hike, the market place is looking for people with skills (and we have them, don’t we?). We feel like we have spent a long time on the job and thus deserve more than we are currently getting.

In my candid opinion, what truly brings increment in output and motivation goes beyond increase in salaries, it is being in a position of authority where we are able to do the things we really love to do, it is seeing and experiencing a certain level of growth as we go to work daily. We won’t feel comfortable when we keep doing the same thing over and over again for 2, 3, 4, 5 years. If this is the case, there is a problem! I personally feel that no amount of salary increment can bring about the job satisfaction we derive. It follows that the position we occupy by its very nature, makes it difficult to give our best. When we are not satisfied, then we are not, period.

Of course, salary increment would definitely help lift some financial burdens and, may be, keep us put for some time. On the other hand, I think it is not a good enough reason to just raise salary since it would deliver the message that as long as you keep working long enough (whether you are productive or not, whether you are comfortable with what you are doing or not) you will get that raise, eventually. This attitude is MEDIOCRITY in its highest form and we are not made like that. We are designed to give the world our best and leave a legacy in the minds of those coming after us.

The reason why bosses increase salaries is because they think our work performance will improve (maybe for a while) but ultimately, when we are not comfortable with what we are doing, we will find ourselves requesting for another pay rise in the next financial year. Even when performance improves, it will not make a difference if it does not hit the bottom-line. You know what I mean.

In summary, I am definitely in support of salary hike if it is accompanied by a system which continuously rewards and thus produces more hardworking, resourceful and proactive workers in your organization.

We need to put our hands on deck and begin to see our organizations as our very own.

All the best in 2008.
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